Petronas makes hydrocarbon discovery in Suriname


KUALA LUMPUR: Petroliam Nasional Bhd’s subsidiary, Petronas Suriname E&P BV (PSEPBV), made its first hydrocarbon discovery in Suriname with the successful drilling of the Sloanea-1 exploration well located in Block 52.

PSEPBV is the operator of Block 52 and has a 50% stake, together with ExxonMobil Exploration and Production Suriname BV, which owns the remaining 50%.

“We are pleased with the positive results from the well. It will provide the impetus for Petronas to continue exploring in Suriname, which is one of our focus basins in the Americas.

“We look forward to further successful collaboration with our partner ExxonMobil and further strengthening our relationship with the government of the Republic of Suriname, as a solutions partner, moving towards delivering clean and reliable energy to the market,” said Petronas Vice President of Exploration . upstream, Emeliana Rice-Oxley in a statement.

Block 52, which covers an area of ​​4,749 square kilometers, is located north of the coast of Paramaribo, the capital of Suriname, and is located within the possible Suriname-Guyana basin, where several important hydrocarbon discoveries have been made.

The Sloanea-1 exploration well was successfully drilled to a total depth of 4,780 meters using the Maersk Developer platform. The well encountered several hydrocarbon-containing sandstone packages with good reservoir qualities in the Campania section.

Rice-Oxley said the data from the well demonstrated an excellent calibration of the block’s hydrocarbon potential and that further evaluations are underway to determine the full extent of the discovery.

In addition to Block 52, PSEPBV also has a 100 percent interest and operation in Block 48, and a 30 percent non-operated interest in Block 53. – Bernama
