Perak Ruler opens state assembly, pays tribute to Covid-19 frontliners


IPOH: Perak’s Sultan Nazrin Muizzuddin Shah expressed his appreciation for the frontliners fighting against Covid-19 when he opened the first session of the third year of the 14th State Assembly on Tuesday (May 12).

He then led the state assemblymen in giving the frontliners a standing ovation.

In his speech, Sultan Nazrin lauded their dedication and said the frontliners were risking their lives to face the threat of Covid-19.

He said it was due to their dedication and professionalism that a vast majority of those infected had been able to recover.

“I would like to record my highest appreciation to the people who work in the ministry, in particular the medical staff, the frontliners in this war, who expose themselves to great risks in looking after those infected by the virus.

“Although our public health infrastructure is modest and our medical resources are limited – in fact, our health service is not even ranked as one of the best in the world – we nevertheless have professional and experienced health workers in the ministry who are dedicated and committed enough to fulfil the trust and responsibilities thrusted upon them, “he said.

“They have shown the nation and her people that they are our most valuable asset.

“God willing, we will be able to overcome this threat effectively to enable us to build a better future,” I added.

Sultan Nazrin also lauded the information and broadcasting departments, including various media agencies, that had played an important role in relaying crucial information, strategies and advice through their respective networks.

“I would also like to record my appreciation to the respective religious bodies, the private sector, professional bodies, non-governmental organizations, local communities and individuals who have selflessly contributed their energy, service, time and material in this time of crisis.

“Each and every one of them has shown the highest level of patriotism in helping to protect the citizens of our country,” he said.

The others whom Sultan Nazrin thanked were the police, the Armed Forces, the Fire and Rescue Department, Civil Defense, Rela, the Welfare Department, the State Security Council, district officers and the civil service.
