People are tired of selfish politicians, says Salleh Said Keruak


KOTA KINABALU: People are getting tired of selfish leaders who play politics 24 hours a day, 7 days a week instead of attending to people’s needs, says Datuk Seri Mohd Salleh Said Keruak (Photo).

The Usukan assemblyman said the general public is getting weary of politicians who tend to forget that it was the rakyat who brought them to power.

“There is a time for politics and there is a time to serve,” he blogged

Salleh, a former prime minister of Sabah and a minister in the federal cabinet, warned his fellow politicians amid a flurry of political maneuvering in Putrajaya.

“A good politician is one who has his finger on the pulse of the nation, one who listens to the voice of the rakyat.

“Politicians and activists love to chant the slogan ‘the people are the boss.’ But shortly after coming to power, they tend to forget who the boss is. As civil servants like to say, politicians come and go, the rakyat will be here forever.

Perception is important. And the perception that is created is not good. The impression that rakyats have is that politicians are selfish and selfish. And this needs to change. Politicians must realize that they are beginning to become unpopular with the very lethargic rakyat who is fed up with the endless turmoil, ”he added.

Salleh also said that the days of two-thirds majorities or even a simple majority in Parliament for a single political party were over.

Even with the coalitions, the four or five parties manage with an almost hung parliament and a slim majority, “he said.

“Malaysia’s ‘new normal’ doesn’t just involve social distancing and self-isolation. It also determines how politics is played.

“Parties and politicians must find common ground on which to work together. Once the elections are over, we have to get down to running the country, “he added.

Salleh felt that political monopolies and hegemonies no longer existed and that current politics was about sharing power.

“Winners and losers should sit down and explore what is best for the country. And for this to happen, concessions and commitments must be explored and considered ”, he added.
