Penang Postpones Motion to Expel Defending Representatives Amid Covid-19 Fears


GEORGE TOWN: The state government has canceled the filing of a motion to expel four assemblymen who crossed over from Pakatan Harapan at the next state assembly due to Covid-19 concerns.

Chief Minister Chow Kon Yeow (Photo) on Thursday (October 8) said the state executive council made the decision on Wednesday (October 7) following concerns about the increase in Covid-19 cases.

“Having seen the adverse effects of the recently concluded Sabah elections, where there was a drastic increase in Covid-19 infections, we decided not to do so in order to avoid adverse consequences,” Chow told a news conference in Komtar.

“The Penang government is guided by our primary consideration that during this challenging time, public health and the safety of citizens must come first.

“While the government is confident that it will be able to get enough votes to oust all four, the decision to leave their seats will be postponed until another time with a better and healthier climate for a by-election.”

“We are not going to withdraw the motion and it will be carried out at the next assembly or when the public health situation is better,” he said.

On July 29, the state had decided to proceed with the filing of the motion to invoke article 14A of the state constitution to force the four assembly members to vacate their seats when the state assembly was convened.

The article says that a member of the Legislative Assembly will leave his seat vacant if: a) Having been elected as a candidate for a political party, resigns or is expelled or ceases to be a member of that party for any reason; or b) Having been elected otherwise than as a candidate for a political party, he joins another political party.

The seats are occupied by Dr. Afif Bahardin (Seberang Jaya), Khaliq Mehtab Mohd Ishak (Bertam), Zolkifly Md Lazim (Teluk Bahang) and Zulkifli Ibrahim (Sungai Acheh).

The state of Pakatan comprising DAP, PKR and Amanah has 33 assembly members in the 40-member state assembly.
