Penang government to investigate rock hazard in hillside apartments


Resident S Guru (center) and activists Teh Yee Cheu (left) and Chua Cheong Wee show the place where rocks fell on two cars in Lorong Bukit Kukus two years ago.

GEORGE TOWN: The state government said it will examine the rocky slopes of the hills in Paya Terubong, causing sleepless nights for 1,000 residents in two apartment blocks who fear they may collapse at any moment.

The chairman of the State Transport and Infrastructure Committee, Zairil Khir Johari, said geotechnical experts would likely be called in to carry out a stability analysis and soil investigation on the Lorong Bukit Kukus hill.

“When the slopes began to show signs of instability more than 20 years ago, a steel net was laid to cover them. Nails were also driven into the ground and a gabion wall was built to strengthen the slopes.

“As this case has just been brought to my attention, I will request a meeting with all relevant departments,” Zairil said in a statement.

Grandview Heights residents had an unpleasant experience when huge rocks came loose and landed on two cars parked on the side of the road after a heavy rain two years ago.

One lane was closed after the incident, but the debris has not been cleared, prompting residents to describe it as an eyesore and a nuisance to motorists.
