PBS Candidate Releases Report on Doctored ‘Hudud’ Poster


Yee (second from left) after presenting the report today at the Karamunsing Police Station.

KOTA KINABALU: Yee Moh Chai, a PBS candidate for the Api-Api seat, filed a police report after a campaign poster was tampered with to represent him with a turban, with a catchphrase promising to implement the Islamic hudud penalty.

Yee, who is vice president of PBS, said that the poster had been manipulated by certain parties and shared widely on social media with the intention of damaging its reputation.

“I think the culprit changed the poster to play on sensitive religious and racial sentiments, which can upset the peace and harmony here. We are concerned that the image manipulated by irresponsible parties gives the impression that I am intentionally mocking the beliefs of other religions, “he said today in a statement.

The tampered poster featured the Perikatan Nasional, Umno, PAS and Barisan Nasional logos under a Chinese headline and a slogan in Bahasa Malay that read “If I win, hudud will be implemented” (saya menang, hudud dilaksana).

Yee Moh Chai’s campaign poster (left) and the manipulated version with a mention of hudud.

Yee is a physician by profession and also a lawyer in his own firm before becoming Minister of State.

He said he had made the police report because he believed the image was seditious, adding that he hoped the authorities would take swift action.

He will compete in a nine-way fight for the Api-Api seat, facing Sabah PKR President Christina Liew, who is seeking reelection; The president of the PLD, Chin Su Phin, and the vice president of Parti Cinta Sabah, Pang Yuk Ming, among others.

Yee is a former senior deputy minister and minister of state. He served in the Sabah cabinet for two terms from 2004 to 2013, and had previously been elected as an Api-Api assemblyman for three terms from 1999 to 2008.

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