Pay: SESB to cut off electricity for those with more than nine months of outstanding bills


KOTA KINABALU: Sabah Electricity Sdn Bhd (SESB) will clamp down and cut electricity supply to consumers with more than nine months of outstanding bills since December.

The senior general manager (asset management) of the utility, Norhizami Abu Hasan, said the decision was made as the number of uncollected payments has reached millions of ringgit.

The power outage exercise will begin after December 6 and users are urged to settle their outstanding bills, it said in a statement on Sunday (November 22).

“It is the responsibility of consumers to settle their respective energy supply bills every month, despite the fact that SESB has not carried out any power outages since March of this year due to movement restrictions imposed by the government to slow the spread of Covid-19 in the country.

“Our records showed that there are consumers who have not paid their electricity bills for more than nine months and this has indirectly impacted SESB,” he said.

Norhizami said the notices will be issued starting Tuesday (November 24), where users have seven business days to begin settling their outstanding invoices.

“SESB understands that there are consumers affected by the various motion control orders (MCOs) that are currently in place, so we are giving those with outstanding invoices the opportunity to discuss with us to find a solution,” he added.

Consumers facing financial constraints can contact any SESB officer at their nearest office to discuss an appropriate payment method.

“The number of the respective SESB official will be printed on the power outage notice that will be delivered to consumers, and they will be able to contact the person for further inquiries and explanations,” he added.

However, Norhizami said that those with bills that are nine months or more past due and have not yet made any payments will have their facilities cut off.
