Pay hike for K’tan reps while others tighten their belts


YOUR OPINION | “Are you having difficulty paying the salaries of civil servants, but want to increase the allowances for state representatives?”

Help the people, not the assembly members: student group tells K’tan government

Jetson: Kelantanese have voted for the same leaders in every election. Their attitude shows very clearly that they are not interested in the development of the state. If they really cared, they would have raised a lot of problems for their state representatives.

The state’s financial situation, which has been in deplorable conditions and on many occasions with the help of the federal administration, shows very clearly the lack of insight in the development of the state.

Kelantanese have accepted such living conditions all this time, without even expressing any regret.

Now, leaders have taken a drastic step by not only rewarding themselves with luxurious cars but also with a salary increase, while people in the state face serious financial setbacks from the nightmare of Covid-19.

At the same time, it lacks commercial advantages, as the leaders hardly try to attract investors there.

You won’t be surprised if the Kelantan public still accepts these same leaders to lead them, time and time again.

Freethinker: The salary discrepancy depends on location, cost of living, performance, and expectations. A manager in Kelantan does not mean that you can receive the same salary for a manager working in the Klang Valley.

Are you having difficulty paying the salaries of civil servants, but want to increase the allowances for low-performing assembly members? What have they been doing to develop Kelantan and deserve a raise?

In today’s environment, bonuses are frozen, the increase is non-existent, and people are losing jobs. But do these people have the courage to ask for a raise?

Two come out: This is similar to cabinet ministers requesting that their salaries be the same as those of Korean or German ministers, whose GDP and economies are many times larger than us.

Is that why the Minister of Plantation Industries and Commodities, Khairuddin Aman Razali, went to Turkey for a “study tour”?

While it is correct to ensure that the allocations are the same with exco members from other states, this alone cannot be the criterion. Selangor’s GDP and economic activities are higher, so its exco salary cannot be compared to underdeveloped Kelantan. Plus, the exco members of Selangor didn’t waste money on a brand new Mercedes.

Perhaps in Kelantan, exco members can be paid the additional amount in rice and fish, as well as the dates that our “ambassador to the Middle East” would have brought back.

Me: It is shocking that in times as difficult as now, they even think of raising their wages.

I would have thought that no matter how religious they claim to be, they would have agreed to a pay cut of at least 20 percent.

The Kelantanese from the Klang Valley, who returned en masse to put these “religious” people in power, have various jobs here, that is, if they find those jobs, to help their families in Kelantan.

Meanwhile, Kelantan at home can proudly touch their shoulders to have the most caring state administrators. Kelantanese deserve the government they elected, just like the rest of us have to deal with ours.

Malaysia is surreal art: That’s right, Kelantan government. Always wear your own seat belt before fastening others. Except this is not the time to rise above cloud nine with a big paycheck.

If Kelantan wants its state assemblymen to match those of other states (which are doing much better financially) in terms of salary, it would first have to improve its income generation.

It is sad that the revered cannot make this connection, or should I say, they refuse to do so.

Congratulations to the young Kelantanese of the Malaysian National Association of Muslim Students (PKPIM) ​​for trying to bring their well-fed leaders down from heaven.

Arif’s Tiger: There is a ray of hope in the younger generation as they are educated and can think for themselves. Young people not only follow religious PAS figures like their parents.

Unfortunately, they now have to pay for the PAS politicians who serve themselves. Kelantan is one of the poorest and most underdeveloped states in the country. Now the same politicians are rewarding themselves with luxury cars and increased allowances.

Elections are just around the corner, therefore there will be an opportunity to correct the mistake.

Power Ranger: For the student group, this is the useless government supported by their parents and the people of Kelantan. Go back and tell them how selfish and ignorant the representatives they have voted for are. Come to the next general election, all of you young people should kick you out.

All current Kelantan reps only know how to trade in luxury cars, increase their salaries and allowances. During this pandemic, not once have they thought about the people suffering, but they have made sure that their pocketbook is always full.

Cyclone: From luxury cars to enriching their own coffers, especially in this unprecedented time when people are recovering from the effects of disease and economic despair, these “leaders” have gone beyond callous and clueless thinking by enriching themselves. themselves.

Let the Kelantanese open their eyes and see these irresponsible leaders.

Doc: The Kelantan government will take over the assembly members and exco members. As for caring for the well-being of rakyat Kelantan; well, that work has been subcontracted to the “Almighty” by the administration of the PAS.

In short, who is to blame here? Do we blame the Kelantanese people for repeatedly voting for an incompetent state government or do we blame the state government for misleading the rakyat and only looking out for their interests?

I guess it’s better to let the people of Kelantan figure it out.

GrayPuffin9604: I thought these religious people don’t need a lot of money here on earth.

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