Patriot curbs alcohol sales, says corruption is more damaging


Arshad Raji says that Patriot will always uphold social justice and speak out against intimidation tactics.

PETALING JAYA: An NGO representing retired military officers described the move to curb the sale of alcoholic beverages as ridiculous and questioned the authorities whether consuming them was more dangerous than corruption.

“We would like to ask the pious Ahmad Marzuk Shaary to tell us whether drinking alcohol or corruption is the greatest evil,” said the president of the National Association of Patriots (Patriots), Mohamed Arshad Raji, referring to the deputy minister in the Prime Minister’s Department. (Religious Affairs).

“What is most damaging to our society and our nation? What evil attracts the Malays the most?

Arshad asked Ahmad Marzuk and Federal Territories Minister Annuar Musa to analyze the large number of immigration officers arrested last week for alleged human trafficking and the many politicians currently facing corruption charges.

“On which of the two evils should one act first? Should it ban liquor or eradicate the scourge of corruption among Malaysian society? he asked, adding that corruption is generally more damaging to our society.

On Shary’s argument that DBKL’s decision on the liquor sale could be extended to the rest of the country, Patriot said it was unnecessary and ridiculous.

Annuar recently announced the new rule that will go into effect in all federal territories next October. Under the new rule, the sale of alcohol to sundries, supermarkets, convenience stores and Chinese medicine stores will be prohibited.

“The public, especially non-Muslims, is aware that the leaders of the PAS had always assured them that they would not be subject to the regulations regarding Islam, including Hudud.

“As such, Patriot would like to remind Marzuk and other PAS leaders not to scoff at his words. Otherwise, the public perception of their hypocrisy will only get worse, ”Arshad said.

He said that if stopping the sale of alcohol was due to drunk driving, there were better ways to address the problem.

“The focus should be a comprehensive consultation that should include entrepreneurs, not just a select group. If health is the issue, you should know that there are many other foods and drinks that are worse for our health compared to beer and soft drinks.

“It is not Patriot’s business to promote any alcoholic beverage. But standing up for social justice, encouraging fair business practices and speaking out against intimidation tactics are within the limits of our business, ”he said.

Arshad said that Malaysians had been living together for generations with a lot of tolerance, understanding and mutual respect.

“It was based on this understanding, among others, that our colonial masters gave us our independence in 1957.

“Politicians need to be reminded of the ramifications of their decision to stop liquor sales and not to issue licenses. It will negatively affect jobs, small businesses, transportation, restaurants, hotels, tourism, and national income.

“Also, others might see our leaders as Taliban,” he said.
