Patriot criticizes a possible emergency declaration, calling it “ absurd and insincere ”


Patriot chairman Arshad Raji says declaring an emergency will cause the country’s already struggling economy to plummet and collapse.

PETALING JAYA: The National Association of Patriots (Patriota) has criticized the government for the alleged plan to declare a state of emergency to help contain the increase in the number of Covid-19 cases in the country.

Patriot Chairman Mohamed Arshad Raji called any move “absurd, ill-conceived and insincere,” and said the government appears to have lost the plot on how to handle the pandemic.

“Simply trying to contain the spread of Covid-19 by imposing an emergency rule and justifying it by saying that the people are against the elections is simply nonsense.

“Certainly there are much better ways to combat the current spike in cases, such as blocking a specific location or partial blocking,” he said in a statement today.

“Furthermore, what good can the Prime Minister-led National Security Council (MKN) offer in an emergency rule when the real problem lies in the motive and sincerity of the government’s leadership in calling for an emergency rule?”

He said the deficit of confidence in the government has also increased in the wake of this recent speculation.

“When news broke of the Cabinet’s proposal to put the nation in an emergency situation, it sparked an unprecedented public outcry.

“There were incessant calls from citizens at all levels of society to denounce the proposal, as the word emergency evokes a sense of uncertainty, fear and insecurity that is likely to affect the daily lives of citizens,” Arshad said.

He also cited the comprehensive opinions of lawyers and NGOs who have spoken out against the need to invoke the emergency rule, saying that Patriot is with them.

Arshad said there is no question that if an emergency is declared, the country’s already struggling economy “will plummet and collapse into collapse.”

“Business and economic indicators will be flashing red, with more bankruptcies, unemployment, spending cuts, foreclosures, loan defaults, higher private debt, a stock market crash, and the subsequent degradation of our economy by credit bureaus. qualification.

“There will also be a worsening of social ills, such as more robberies and robberies, while families will have to face greater financial and emotional constraints,” he said, adding that families who depend on handouts will be the most affected.

Arshad called on the government to work hard on its trust deficit and reach out with a sincere hand to help fight the Covid-19 pandemic.

“Combating the scourge of this pandemic requires the full participation and support of all parties, creeds and colors.

“We have capable and intelligent people from outside the ruling circle,” he said, adding that the majority of Malaysians abide by the law and will abide by the regulations imposed on them if the government takes appropriate measures to stop the spread of Covid- 19.

