Pakatan calls on MPs to reject the 2021 budget during third reading on Tuesday (December 15)


PETALING JAYA: Pakatan Harapan has called on all MPs on both sides of the political divide to reject the 2021 Budget when the Supply Bill goes to third reading in the Dewan Rakyat on Tuesday (December 15).

The Opposition coalition claimed that the Budget did not meet the objectives and goals to fight Covid-19, help people and reactivate the economy.

They affirmed that what the Minister of Finance announced during the announcement or liquidation of the Budget or in a series of communications to the media did not meet the demands and expectations of many parliamentarians and even the people in general.

This included the issuance of the Employee Provident Fund (EPF), the issue of loan repayment moratorium, help to those on the front lines, education, cost of living and other issues.

“We had previously said that we would discuss the 2021 Budget during the policy and committee stages, and finally we would call for a block vote during the third reading. This will happen tomorrow, ”they said in a statement on Monday (December 14).

The statement was jointly signed by PKR Secretary General Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution, Amanah Secretary General Datuk Dr. Hatta Ramli, and DAP Organization Secretary General Anthony Loke.

On November 26, the 2021 Budget was approved at the policy stage by voice vote.

However, only 13 MPs stood up, including former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and some members of Amanah, to call for a block vote.

So far, all budget allocations for the ministries have been approved.

The vote on the 2021 Budget will take place after the conclusion of two more ministries at the committee stage.
