Pahang will implement conditional MCO with a set of rules


KUANTAN: A set of conditions has been outlined after the Pahang government agreed to implement the conditional movement control order (MCO).

Among others, premises can only be reopened in green areas and all workers must undergo testing and be free of Covid-19 infection.

Secretary of State Datuk Seri, Dr. Sallehuddin Ishak, said the costs of the tests would be borne by the employer or the company.

“The temperature of the workers should be taken every day and recorded. All customers, visitors and those who do business on the premises should also have their temperature recorded with their name, address and phone number,” he said.

Locals with 10 workers and more must form an emergency response team, Sallehuddin said.

For restaurants, the distance between the tables has been set at 2m, while the seating distance is 1m.

He said that the hours of operation for Muslim restaurants during Ramadan were from noon to midnight and from 7 a.m. at 7 p.m. for non-muslim locals.

He said food courts and food trucks could also operate, but only to go for now.

He said that restaurants on the Kuala Lumpur-Karak Expressways, East Coast Expressway 1 and 2 rest stops could operate on the condition that only one table be assigned to one customer.

The surau at these rest stops could be used as long as the faithful brought their own mats and prayer clothes.

He said that the hours of operation of the service stations were established in accordance with the existing license conditions approved by the Ministry of Internal Trade and Consumer Affairs.

Sallehuddin said that gloves and hand sanitizer should be provided on each island of the gasoline pump, while each nozzle should be disinfected every hour.

For public markets, hours of operation are now set at 5 a.m. at 2 p.m. and each customer should not be in a position for more than five minutes for a single purchase and not more than 20 minutes for 10 purchases.

He said the self-service laundry stores could operate from 7 a.m. at 7 p.m.

The shopping complexes could also operate now, but only from 7 a.m. at 7 p.m. and the premises inside were limited to certain commercial sectors.

The entertainment facilities in these complexes could not operate while children 12 years of age and younger were not allowed to enter the complex building.

Parking space at each of these complexes would be limited to 50% of its capacity, Sallehuddin said.

He added that clothing and footwear were not allowed and that returns or exchanges would not be possible for the clothing that had been purchased.

For recreational activities, all golf clubs can operate from 7 a.m. at 7 p.m., while club facilities, such as a gym, pool, surau, and locker room, should remain closed.

Running in housing estates is permitted, but alone and children under 10 cannot be brought, Sallehuddin said.

Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Wan Rosdy Wan Ismail announced yesterday that the state government agreed to implement the conditional MCO after reviewing, adjusting and making modifications to the relevant standard operating procedures.

Wan Rosdy said the main concern was the enforcement aspect, which would be improved by related agencies, including local authorities.

Pahang was one of the few states to delay implementation of the conditional MCO, which went into effect on May 4.
