Covid-19: Proper essentials, no need to panic shopping

[ad_1] HULU TERENGGANU: People don’t have to panic goods purchases despite reports stating that the number of Covid-19 transmissions in Malaysia is expected to be more severe next year. The Deputy Minister of Internal Trade and Consumer Affairs (KPDNHEP), Datuk Rosol Wahid, said that the KPDNHEP ensured that the supply …

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The government plans to increase the order of Covid-19 vaccines to cover between 60 and 70% of the inhabitants of M, says Muhyiddin (updated)

[ad_1] TANGKAK: The government has plans to increase its purchase of the Covid-19 vaccine to meet the immunization needs of around 60% -70% of Malaysians compared to 30% today, says Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin. The prime minister said this was because some nations had already purchased doses of the vaccine …

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After calls to block film, MCMC urges SENIMAN to file complaint

[ad_1] The Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) has urged Seniman, an association of local artists, to file an official complaint against Namewee’s new film entitled ‘Babi’. Seniman recently filed a police report against the film at the Taman Melawati Police Station and they want MCMC to block the film …

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