Research reveals a possible active tectonic system on the Moon

[ad_1] IMAGE: Infrared (top left) and other images from NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter revealed strange, bare places where the omnipresent moon dust is missing. The spots suggest an active tectonic process … see plus Credit: NASA PROVIDENCE, R.I. [Brown University] – Researchers have discovered a system of ridges that extend …

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What you need to know about a coronavirus vaccine

[ad_1] Bill gates Gerard Miller | CNBC Billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates on Thursday exposed what the world needs for a Covid-19 vaccine to reopen society. “Realistically, if we are to return to normal, we need to develop a safe and effective vaccine. We need to do billions of doses, we …

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China’s state oil giants cut spending

[ad_1] While the United States’ oil industry is in panic as demand has fallen from the oil market, China is suffering from its own oil crisis, resulting in capital cuts for its major oil giants seeking to derail the ambitious Asian nation’s plans for a stronger position in the world …

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