Over 50 dogs drown after floods at an animal shelter in Negri


PETALING JAYA: An animal shelter in Mambau, Negri Sembilan needs urgent help to repair the damage to its facilities caused by the flash floods on Wednesday (November 4) morning.

Furrykids Safehaven manager Liza Sharif said a lot of damage was done to the fence, as well as other parts of the shelter’s structures.

According to Liza, the flood also destroyed the shelter’s electrical appliances.

Even the dog kibbles that were stored in the shelter were not saved.

“The perimeter fence has been damaged by the floods and all our electrical appliances like refrigerator, freezer, washing machine, fans and rice cookers have also been completely destroyed,” he said.

The workers’ rooms were also not saved and all the mattresses and even their clothes were destroyed, he added.

However, the biggest loss, Liza said, was the deaths of some of the shelter dogs.

The bodies of some 54 dogs and puppies were found drowned in the shelter compound.

Liza Sharif said she was greeted by a heartbreaking scene as she ran to the shelter when informed of the flooding.

Among the dead canines were four mother dogs and their puppies.

“The 22 cubs belonging to the four mothers were only three weeks old.

“We are heartbroken,” Liza said, adding that they were still counting to determine the actual number of deaths.

More dogs are believed to have been washed away by the flood that occurred when the banks of a nearby river gave way due to heavy rains.

The organization, which has an estimated 1,900 rescued dogs, was in the midst of raising funds to build a suitable shelter elsewhere, but had no funds to begin construction.

Currently, Liza is seeking public help to raise funds to repair the damage and buy food for the surviving dogs.

“We also need to replace damaged appliances as well as necessities that were washed away,” he added.

Liza said that the workers also needed washed clothes.

Meanwhile, Irene Low, director of the Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better (MDDB) canine welfare project, is asking the public to help Furryfriends Safehaven.

“As rescuers, we understand the seriousness of the situation.

“There’s a lot of work to do and they need help getting it done,” Low said.

Another animal rescuer, Joanne Low, said Furrykids Safehaven needed a lot of support and help at this time.

“They have suffered a great tragedy and need support and understanding,” Low said.

Low added that he sold face masks to raise funds for the shelter.

For more information, call 0126012030 or write to [email protected].
