Orked’s plight: from medical student to injecting black market hormones


When Orked Luna decided to pursue a medical degree, she didn’t realize that it would lead her to the point of wanting to end her life.

Before she was born, the Malaya University Hospital had allowed transgender people to be themselves, but many things had changed since then.

“The way I speak is very feminine. And the way the doctors looked at me showed that they don’t want people like me to become part of their profession,” he said. Malaysiakini.

Unable to hide his “transity,” Orked, 21, said he fell into a “dark spiral” and was later diagnosed with schizophrenia.

“I had multiple suicide attempts and was in a psychiatric ward for several weeks. In the ward, I told them I was a transgender person and the Malaysian psychiatrists refused to acknowledge our existence,” he revealed.

“They tried to use religion to help me, they asked me to pray and be close to God. I didn’t see how that would help me because (schizophrenia) is a real pathology.”

Last year, Orked dropped out of his medical studies to embark on a transitional journey.

“At first, I thought I should prove them wrong, to change their perception of people like me. But it was affecting me too much …

“If society or the medical field accepted me more, I would be inclined to complete my studies,” he added.

Orked found work in a burger joint in Kuala Lumpur and with the money she earned, she started buying hormones on the black market, which is the only option for her, knowing it could lead to adverse effects …
