Opposition crisis worsens in Sabah as DAP turns against Anwar


Anwar Ibrahim shares a light moment with Vivian Wong of DAP when he campaigned for her in the Sandakan by-elections last year. (Photo by Bernama)

KOTA KINABALU: An assemblyman from Sabah DAP has further rocked the Pakatan Harapan ship, calling for a new opposition leader to replace PKR President Anwar Ibrahim, days after Parti Warisan Sabah President Shafie Apdal did a similar call.

Luyang’s representative, Phoong Jin Zhe, noted that when Anwar did not comply with his earlier claim of having the numbers to form the government, many questioned and mocked PH’s credibility.

“The so-called ‘strong, formidable and convincing’ majority of the opposition leader did not come forward and the idea of ​​building a coalition with Umno has also been questioned by many,” the Sabah DAP youth chief said in a communicated here today.

“Racial politics is getting worse and polarizing our society and the budget that was a great disappointment to the people was not defeated.

“People’s faith in PH is flagging after these incidents. The opposition leader has been mocked as “the boy who cried wolf.” High-ranking politicians who lie for power and extreme racial and religious comments have also been getting worse lately.

“If we are sincere in rebuilding New Malaysia 2.0, we must usher in a new policy now.”

He added that PH and the opposition camp will not only lose their supporters, but also the younger generation who aspired to a better future if they could not come to a solution.

Phoong said PH urgently needed a breakthrough and must achieve a political restart, as stated by DAP Secretary General Lim Guan Eng and Amanah Chairman Mohamad Sabu today.

“New leaders, new policies, a new mindset, a new team and together we can build New Malaysia 2.0.

Upko president asks Anwar to form a shadow cabinet

To add fuel to the fire, Upko president and Tuarano deputy Wilfred Madius Tangau has also told Anwar to abandon “numbers-oriented” politics in order to regain power and focus instead of coalition policies.

Tangau asked Anwar to form a shadow cabinet to offer Malaysians concrete political ideas on various issues.

He said PH Plus must be reformed, adding that the coalition must boldly admit its central strategic mistake since February, which focused on regaining federal power with defections from the opposite camp.

“This has prevented PH Plus from refining and developing its political agenda and capitalizing on a talent pool of 20 former ministers and 19 former vice ministers and many others who had served as ministers during (the previous) reign of Barisan Nasional.

“The worst, as the Malay proverb says, ‘yang dikejar tak dapat, yang dikendong berciciran’ (what is pursued is not achieved while losing what is already in possession). The goal of regaining power has further split AP.

“Our top leaders are fighting over who should be the next prime minister before he gets close to reality,” Tangau said.

Meanwhile, the leader of Parti Warisan Sabah has dismissed the argument that the party is causing a rift within Pakatan Harapan.

The party’s Wirawati chief, Isnaraissah Munirah Majilis, said it was instead a wake-up call for the opposition bloc in Malaysia to be strengthened by having more credible leadership.

“We are obliged to express our concern about the general performance of the opposition bloc in the country. Voters think that the top leadership of the opposition bloc lacks credibility, so obviously we will all suffer.

He said the head of the opposition in Malaysia should not only focus on taking over the government or becoming prime minister, but should strive to unite and create a new Malaysia.

“Unfortunately, we no longer see the enthusiasm in our current opposition chief that he once had,” he said.
