Only 6.1% of the target 80% have registered for the Covid-19 vaccine so far, says Khairy


PETALING JAYA: The record for the Covid-19 vaccine remains low, only 6.1% of the 80% target set for the country, says Khairy Jamaluddin.

The Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation said that as of 11 a.m. on Monday (March 1), a total of 1,468,137 people have registered through the MySejahtera app.

“This represents only 6.1% of the target of 80% vaccination of the population.

“Registration is somewhat low and we must redouble our efforts to increase registration,” he told a joint press conference with Health Minister Datuk Seri Dr Adham Baba on Monday after chairing the Special Committee on Guarantee. Access to the Supply of Covid-19 Vaccines on Monday. .

He attributed the low registration rate to a “wait and see” attitude adopted by some members of the public after the start of the national immunization program on February 24.

“We expected this to happen. The rakyat will be more confident once more front-line people get vaccinated, ”he said.

He also expected the number of registrations to increase following the launch of the hotline and online website registration next Friday (March 5).

“Clinics and hospitals have also opened counters to register vaccines,” he added.

In another matter, Khairy said that as of 11 a.m. Monday, a total of 17,064 people had been vaccinated.

He said Sarawak topped the list of those vaccinated with 7,402 followed by Pahang (2,419) and Perak (1,277).

The country began its mass vaccination program on Wednesday (February 24), with Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin being the first to be vaccinated.

The immunization program consists of three phases, and the first are vaccinated in the first phase from February to April.

The second phase runs from April to August of this year, with the vaccination of high-risk groups and people aged 60 years and over.

The rest of the Malaysian population aged 18 and over will be vaccinated in the third phase, which runs from May 2021 to February 2022.

The national Covid-19 immunization program is expected to be completed before the end of this year, ahead of its projected completion date of February next year.
