Only 4.5 million submit forms in the electronic census


The ongoing electronic census will be followed in January by face-to-face interviews. (Photo by Bernama)

KUALA LUMPUR: The 2020 Online Census, also known as the e-Census, recorded a total of 4.5 million citizens, or 13.4% of the country’s population of about 32.7 million, as of July 7 and last Monday.

Statistical chief Mohd Uzir Mahidin said Putrajaya, Perak and Selangor had the highest completion rates, while Sabah and the East Coast states had rates below 10%.

“We receive around 50,000 completed census forms a day, but our goal is between 80,000 and 90,000 per day so that we can achieve a completion rate of 40% to 50%,” he said last night on Bernama TV’s “Ruang Bicara” .

Uzir said that among the complaints received about the electronic census were problems with the filing code, as well as questions that some considered irrelevant.

“In the 2010 census, there were only 50 questions, but this time there are 108. They are not only for certain groups of people, but for the entire population, so the questions may seem irrelevant to some in the city, for example, on facilities such as electricity, water and transport.

“But for rural people, it can be significant because the government can make improvements from the data obtained and know exactly where to allocate the funds,” he said.

In the second phase of the census that includes face-to-face interviews, which was delayed until January 20 due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Uzir said it will be implemented taking into account the advice of the Ministry of Health and the National Security Council. .

