One in five who become infected with Covid-19 are asymptomatic: German study


SEDAN: One in five people infected with the new coronavirus shows no symptoms, according to results released Monday from a German study of infections in a small district that could have an impact on disease containment measures.

The researchers interviewed and evaluated 919 people in 405 households in the western Gangelt district, where one of the largest contagion groups in Germany emerged after a carnival attended by an infected couple.

Using antibody tests and infection tests, the researchers found that 15% of the Gangelt population had been infected, with a death rate of 0.37%.

Projecting this nationally, the study estimates that 1.8 million people in Germany may have already contracted the disease, 10 times more than is reflected in the data from officially confirmed cases.

But crucially, the study also shows that the proportion of asymptomatic people reached 22%.

“The fact that apparently every fifth infection progresses without noticeable symptoms of the disease suggests that infected people who clear the virus and therefore can infect others cannot reliably identify themselves based on recognizable symptoms of the disease.” said Martin Exner, director of the Bonn University Institute for Hygiene and Public Health and co-author of the study.

The researchers noted that this underscored the importance of maintaining a social distance as well as basic hygiene practices to keep the disease at bay.

“Every supposedly healthy person we meet can unknowingly carry the virus. We should be aware of this and act accordingly, “said the study expert who has not yet been peer reviewed.

Germany has begun to loosen restrictions to stop transmission of the virus, allowing the reopening of shops, schools and religious institutions.

However, rules apply to ensure social distancing, with a ban in most of Germany against public gatherings of more than two people.

Masks are also required on public transportation and in stores across the country, and stores have floor marks for customers to keep a distance of at least 1.5 meters from each other. – AFP
