One dead, more than 100 rescued in the collision of an oil rig in Malaysia | Malaysia


The anchor of the offshore support ship reportedly broke due to bad weather, causing the ship to lose control and collide with the oil rig.

A crew member of a Malaysian offshore support ship drowned after his ship collided with the oil rig that was serving Malaysia’s Borneo in bad weather, the coast guard said Tuesday, but more than 100 more sailors were rescued.

The ship, the Dayang Topaz, crashed into the BeramB oil rig after its anchor cable broke, Malaysian Maritime Control Agency (MMEA) chief Mohamad Zubil Mat Som said in a statement.

The crew member drowned after jumping into the sea along with 124 others, who were later rescued, Mohamad Zubil added.

“Therefore, 124 of the 125 crew members who had jumped into the sea have been rescued while one of them died in the incident.”

Mohamad Zubil did not identify the only fatality.

The beramB platform is operated by Petronas Carigali, the oil exploration unit of Malaysia’s state oil company Petronas.

According to Mohamad Zubil, the crew lost control of the ship after the cable broke, causing the ship to crash into the oil rig and sink.

Images posted on social media showed the beramB platform with the twisted metal remains of a broken crane and elevator.

Another photo showed dozens of crew crammed into a life raft while being rescued.

Brunei’s national search agency and local fishermen assisted Malaysian authorities in the rescue effort, Malaysian authorities said.

But turbulent sea conditions made it difficult for rescuers to carry out the operation.
