Not OK Google: Gmail now lets you disable suggestions for your emails


Gmail’s eagerness to help you tidy up your inbox and write emails faster by automatically reading all your messages is a welcome help for some and invasive and chilling for others.

Now Google is finally giving us the option to say “no thanks” and turn off Gmail’s smart features like automatic sorting, message categorization, and smart replies.

Google plans to let Gmail users decide for themselves whether and how to automatically read the content of emails to deliver these smart suggestions, such as automatically adding a calendar event for a flight when they receive an email with airline tickets. .

To this end, Google has announced new options that will appear in your Gmail settings in the coming weeks.

On the one hand, you will be able to set whether your Gmail, Meet and Chat data can be used for smart functions in your mailbox. And, on the other hand, you can determine whether or not this data can be used to personalize other Google products.

Disabling these features will also limit the usefulness of the Google Assistant, and then various suggestions, such as receiving a reminder about an invoice or viewing restaurant reservations on Google Maps, will no longer appear.

Many of these features may already be enabled or disabled, however Google says the new settings now for the first time allow a clear decision for or against the data evaluation process that makes the features possible in the first place. – dpa
