Non-Muslim PAS wing praises its more important role in the party


Abdul Hadi Awang speaking today at the 66th PAS Muktamar (general assembly) in Pusat Tarbiah Islam Kelantan. (Named image)

KOTA BHARU: The name change of the Congress of Non-Muslim PAS Supporters (DHPP) shows that it no longer wants to be seen as a mere supporter, but as an integral part of the PAS struggle, said B wing youth leader Balendran Bala Subramaniam.

He said the move also showed that the non-Muslim wing is one of the important parts of the PAS.

“The DHPP realizes that the role of courting the non-Muslim community to represent the PAS as a party leading the Islamic struggle is not as easy as one might think. However, we try to understand Islam through the available Islamic education, lectures and “usrah” that are held.

“The appointment of the head of the DHPP, N Bala Subramaniam, as a member of the Senate is a high recognition for the DHPP, which has existed since 2010. In addition, the central head of the DHPP has also focused on racial unity, according to the speech president politician, “he said.

He said this while debating a motion of thanks on the president’s speech at the 66th PAS Muktamar (general assembly) in Pusat Tarbiah Islam Kelantan here today.

Balendran said the wing also played a role in caring for the non-Muslim community in Malaysia to represent the PAS, a party that carries the Islamic fighting policy.

He said that the DHPP also fostered a respectful attitude, therefore PAS members had to move forward to show love towards non-Muslims.

“Avoid openly criticizing other religions because it can generate racial tensions. Lajnah Da’wah and Lajnah Perpaduan Nasional must go ahead to pay attention to this matter, ”he said.

Balendran said that to ensure the wishes and hopes of PAS chairman Abdul Hadi Awang are met, he urged that DHPP not only be established in all states but also in all electoral districts.
