No selective prosecution or investigation, please, says Umno MP


Padang Rengas MP Nazri Aziz says the MACC and AGC should be free to pursue cases.

KUALA LUMPUR: Umno MP Nazri Aziz has urged law enforcement agencies not to conduct a “targeted investigation or prosecution” against individuals to avoid incurring the wrath of the rakyat during the 15th general election. .

The Padang Rengas deputy said during the committee stage debate on the Supply Bill 2021 that the Perikatan Nasional coalition must deliver on what it had promised to do.

“What is wrong is wrong. Two mistakes do not do good, ”he said, urging the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC), the Attorney General’s Office (AGC) and the police not to indulge in prosecution or selective investigation.

Shamsul Iskandar Akin (PH-Hang Tuah Jaya) asked Nazri for his opinion on the investigation related to a video clip linked to a high-ranking minister, as the case “is now considered closed.” Shamsul Iskandar did not name the individual.

After an investigation, Police Inspector General Abdul Hamid Bador said the results of the facial recognition and analysis were negative, adding that the identity of the other man in the video could not be linked to the minister.

Previously, Nazri had said that PN had gone through various challenges and a “litmus test”, and further urged the ruling coalition to keep its promise to be “clean.”

He said that the rakyat had hoped that the Pakatan Harapan coalition would comply with its manifesto, but claimed that there was a selective prosecution, with some cases dropped.

“But this is not good, as it was part of his manifesto,” he said.

Therefore, he did not agree with any selective prosecution and urged the government to give the MACC and AGC a free hand to carry out their functions without any interference.
