No more sweet conversations, severe action awaits MCO violators


PUTRAJAYA: Authorities will no longer advise or warn public and commercial media to comply with the Movement Control Order (MCO) regulations and will now act to act against violators, says Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob.

The chief minister said the special cabinet committee on non-health issues for the MCO had decided it was time to act.

“Police and other authorities have been given the authority to take action against those who do not comply with the SOP (standard operating procedures).

“My advice to all of you is to comply.

“Please ensure social distancing and prevent a place from being crowded,” he said Tuesday (May 12).

On May 11, the multi-agency task force to verify noncompliance with the SOP under the conditional MCO conducted verifications at 53,250 locations.

This included 4,229 supermarkets, 3,795 restaurants, and 924 land, water, and air transportation terminals.

The task force also verified 22,829 private vehicles, 1,969 public transports, 3,321 places of worship, 1,258 recreational facilities, and 259 construction sites across the country.

Ismail warned the public to continue to follow the SOP since the conditional MCO did not mean complete freedom to move and carry out activities.

“The conditional MCO is still an MCO. We have relaxed the rules a bit so that people can go back to work to restart the economy.”

“It is not impossible to reverse the MCO if the authorities report a large number of non-conforming cases,” he said.

Ismail said he had received a video clip of a large crowd at a “Ramadan bazaar” in Desa Pandan and thought it was a fake.

He said he verified with the Police Inspector General that he said it was real.

“This is the situation that we want to avoid if we want to continue enjoying a little freedom,” he said.
