Nightmare if Bung becomes Prime Minister of Sabah


SABAH SURVEYS | DAP Teluk Intan MP Nga Kor Ming has urged Sabahans to vote for Warisan Plus to prevent Sabah BN chief Bung Moktar Radin and former state minister Musa Aman from becoming their prime minister and governor, respectively.

“The elders would say that if we talk about our nightmare, it will not come true. Yesterday, I had a nightmare where BN won the Sabah elections and Bung is the new prime minister.”

“If this really happens, how can Sabahans hold their heads high? Where is their dignity?” told more than 200 supporters and voters at a ceramah held in Luyang’s urban headquarters, Kota Kinabalu.

“Another thing is, who is the new governor of the state? I heard many say that it will be Musa (Aman),” he said.

“Musa is not participating in state polls and he is not causing a mess. So a deal could have been reached behind us. What deal is that? It could be the state governor (post),” he said.

Read more: Sabah Decides 2020: Making sense of players, parties and battles

The ceramah was mainly attended by middle-aged and elderly people who often nodded and clapped when the DAP leader spoke. Many of them were also reading the propaganda brochures that were handed out to them.

They were patiently waiting for DAP Secretary General Lim Guan Eng, Warisan Plus candidate for Luyang, and current lawmaker Phoon Jin Zhe to take the stage.

Also present were Likas candidate and incumbent legislator Tan Lee Fatt and DAP deputy Seputeh Teresa Kok.

Luyang has the highest number of Chinese and Chinese-Kadazan voters in Sabah, registered with 80.5 percent, followed by Likas with 78.1 percent. Both Luyang and Likas are traditional DAP strongholds.

Lim, in his speech, said that the Sabahans must show Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin their dissatisfaction at thinking about not funneling more appropriations to Sabah if Warisan Plus wins the state elections.

“How dare you threaten not to allocate funds for Sabah? There is no Malaysia without Sabah. Sabah, Sarawak and Malaya formed Malaysia. Show Muhyiddin some colors. Do not intimidate the Sabahans, we have our dignity,” he said.

Meanwhile, Kok told Chinese voters that his acting chief minister, Shafie Apdal, was a rare open-minded and moderate Muslim leader in Malaysia.

Speaking in Mandarin mixed with the Hakka dialect, which is widely spoken by local Chinese and even the Bumiputera, Kok said that DAP leaders on the peninsula had to be very careful about their statements due to racial and religious issues in the that his political opponents insist.

Read more: Who’s Who is Sabah 2020 Pick

“It is very rare for us to see an electoral campaign with a political pact that is here to build a country instead of building a religion or a race.

“It is very rare for us to see an open-minded Muslim bumiputera speaking out and pushing for multiracialism and multireligism. We need to be respected and your prime minister is doing it,” he said.

“He was daring and he went to a hall inauguration in a Catholic church. I don’t think Musa would have done it or Bung would do this,” Kok added.

“Chinese voters in Sabah are only 10 percent […] If we don’t vote for Warisan Plus, what is our choice then? Kok asked.

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