Newlyweds, entourage aggravated by violating standard operating procedures in Langkawi


LANGKAWI, February 5: Wedding day or not, violating the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) of the Motion Control Order is a big no, as a newlywed couple and their entourage here recently discovered.

The offenders, aged between 17 and 28, were slapped with a compound of RM 1,000 each for disobeying SOPs while taking group photos near a river in a housing area on February 3.

Langkawi District Police Chief ACP Shariman Ashari said police were patrolling the area when they spotted the group consisting of the newly married couple, the best man and 16 women taking pictures around 6.30pm.

“Investigations found that some of them lived in nearby residential areas, while others came from different parts of the island,” he said in a statement here today.

On January 28, the Kedah State Islamic Religious Council (JHEAIK) announced that any solemnization of marriage, divorce, and rujuk (return to the previous marriage contract) are allowed as usual after the stipulated SOP from February 1, and the Solemnization ceremonies will only be held at the District Islamic Religious Office (PAID) .- Called
