New Zealand to reopen shopping malls and coffee shops starting Thursday as virus restrictions ease


WELLINGTON (Reuters) – New Zealand companies, including shopping malls, cinemas, cafes and gyms, will reopen on Thursday after some of the world’s strictest restrictions to stop the spread of the coronavirus were further loosened on Monday.

The Pacific nation was locked up for more than a month under “level 4” restrictions that were softened by a notch in late April. It has continued to apply strict social measures to many of its citizens and businesses, helping to prevent the widespread spread of the virus in the community.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said the phased move to “level 2” restrictions will mean that retail, restaurants and other public spaces, including playgrounds, can reopen starting Thursday.

Schools can open from next Monday, while bars can only reopen from May 21, Ardern said. The meetings would be limited to 10 people.

“The result is that within 10 days we will have reopened most of the companies in New Zealand, and sooner than in many other countries in the world,” Ardern said at a press conference.

“But that fits with our plan: Go hard, go early, so that we can get our economy working again sooner and thus reap the economic benefit of getting the right health response.”

Companies will be required to have physical distance and strict hygiene measures.

Air New Zealand announced that it would resume seven other national routes when the country enters alert level 2.

However, international travel would not be possible as the borders will remain closed, except for returning New Zealanders.

The measures would be reviewed again in two weeks, Ardern said.

The government plans to introduce a new law that would allow authorities to enforce physical distance and control meetings of people after questions arise about the legality of the blocking rules.

Three new cases of COVID-19, the disease caused by the new coronavirus, were confirmed Monday, the health ministry said in a statement.

The cases, two hospital nurses and one related to overseas travel, bring New Zealand’s total confirmed COVID-19 infections to 1,147, the ministry said, adding that 93% of all confirmed and probable cases have recovered.

The government will release its annual budget on Thursday and warned that the country would run fiscal deficits for years, while debt will rise to levels well above previous targets due to its economic support measures.

Ardern has been under pressure to facilitate the shutdown measures, as the main opposition party, the National Party, said they were held for too long, paralyzing several small businesses and hurting the economy.

People who were unable to attend weddings, funerals or even visit loved ones also called on the government to ease the restrictions earlier.

(Additional report by Renju Jose; Lincoln Feast Edition.)
