New cases continue to emerge in Sabah, health personnel told to be careful


COVID-19 | The number of people infected with Covid-19 in Sabah has continued to grow as the state election campaign progresses.

According to the Ministry of Health, 47 new cases of Covid-19 were detected in the country, of which 31 were found only in Sabah as of noon today.

While most of the new infections in Sabah were related to Benteng’s LD group with 22 cases, cases were also detected in screening tests at health clinics (four), quarantine centers (one) and the closure of a police station (one).

In Kedah, there were 14 cases, most from the Tawar group (13) and one from the Sungai group.

Of the 47 new cases, 19 concerned foreigners, of which two had recently arrived from abroad.

Currently, there are 591 active cases of Covid-19 with nine patients in intensive care, of whom four require respiratory assistance.

The death toll remained at 128.

Alarmingly, there was another case related to a healthcare worker who was infected with Covid-19 reported by the Ministry of Health.

For the three main active groups, Benteng LD, Tawar and Sungai, there were 28 healthcare workers who contracted the new coronavirus.

“All frontline workers must take note of this,” said Health Ministry Director General Dr. Noor Hisham Abdullah.

He urged everyone on the front lines to always follow the guidelines and constantly remind their peers to do so.

This includes washing your hands with soap, wearing personal protective equipment, maintaining physical distance, and performing constant disinfection exercises.

“Even outside of business hours, frontline personnel have to follow the guidelines set by the government and live the new normal required to stop the spread of Covid-19,” added Noor Hisham.
