New call for MH370 search after report on possible new location


An independent group of researchers suggested a new location for MH370 in the southern Indian Ocean. (File image)

PETALING JAYA: A former official involved in the search for the Malaysia Airlines MH370 aircraft has requested a new search at a location other than the initial target area.

Peter Foley, who led the Australian government’s search for the plane seven years ago, said he agreed with new research by an independent group that the wreckage could be found 70 nautical miles on either side of the target area in the south. of the Indian Ocean.

Flight MH370 disappeared while en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing in 2014, and an international investigation concluded that it was at the bottom of the southern Indian Ocean.

Foley called for new investigation based on recent information indicating the plane went down about 1,200 miles west of Cape Leeuwin, Western Australia.

This new evidence also includes a Boeing 777 piece of debris believed to have belonged to the MH370 that washed up on a beach in South Africa last August. An independent group of investigators has said that the wreckage indicated that the plane had sunk in an uncontrolled dive.

So far, 33 suspected or confirmed pieces of debris from the MH370 have been found in Mauritius, Madagascar, Tanzania and South Africa.
