NASA Receives 12 Webby Award Nominations for 2020


You can cast your vote until May 7 for this year’s nominees, which include six JPL websites and social media efforts.

The Rolling Stones on Mars, the reactions of the astronauts
for their GIF and Moon Tunes collection: NASA social media and websites spanned
the virtual universe in 2020, and they were noticed. The agency received 12 nominations.
for the Webby Awards 2020, almost double than any previous year.

“Receive so many Webby nominations in different
the media and on multiple subjects show NASA’s creativity, dedication and diversity
digital communications equipment, “said Bettina Inclán, associate administrator
for communications “I want to congratulate you all on this well-deserved

For the second year in a row, NASA social media was nominated for Best Overall Social Presence (Brand), a category
in which NASA won the Webby 2019, awarded by judges, and the People’s 2019
Voice, the result of a popular vote. Individual campaigns were also carried out on social networks.

  • Rolling Stones on Mars (Best Influencer Support)
    – NASA named a rock that appeared to have been moved by NASA’s thrusters.
    Mars InSight Lander when it was installed on Mars. The campaign received 19 million social
  • Send your name to Mars (Best social community building
    and Engagement) – NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory allowed members of the public
    send their names to Mars aboard the Perseverance rover; a record 10.9 million
    people did.
  • NASA Astronaut Reaction GIF (best
    Photography & Graphics) – NASA’s Johnson Space Center created a series of reactions
    GIF with an astronaut for public use.
  • NASA Explorers: Cryosphere (Social
    Content Series & Campaign ‘Education & Discovery) – This first season
    from the NASA Explorers digital series takes viewers along with NASA researchers who
    study the changing ice on Earth.
  • NASA Moon Tunes (Culture and Lifestyle)
    – NASA requested tickets to a playlist to accompany astronauts on their three days
    trip to the moon during the Artemis program. More than 1 million submissions helped
    build the final playlist.

Four NASA websites received five nominations:

  • NASA exoplanet exploration (strange
    and science): allows Internet users to explore planets beyond our solar system, called
    exoplanets The site won a People’s Voice Award in 2018.
  • NASA Global Climate Change (Green)
    – Track real-time data on how Earth’s climate is changing. The site has received
    five nominations, winning two Webbys and two People’s Voice awards.
  • NASA Home and City (Government and Civil Innovation)
    – New updated interactive website allows users to explore what NASA technology is like
    at home and around the world. An earlier version of the site won a Webby for
    government in 2010.

The Interactive Solar System, which shows the current relative locations of planets and other bodies,
including the spacecraft, was nominated in the Education and Reference category of
Applications, mobile and voice.

The video “Down to Earth”
series, in which astronauts talk about their perspective of Earth from space, was
nominated in the Science and Education video category.

NASA had three honorees in addition to the nominees:

  • How visually impaired people
    Experience Hubble Images (Video) – Noreen’s book “Touch the Universe”
    Grice presents some of Hubble’s best-known photographs; but all these photos
    they were specially made to include everyone.
  • POT
    JPL-edu Teachable Moments – Teachable Moments take advantage of the latest
    NASA space missions and discoveries to help educators inspire space explorers
    from the future.
  • (Government and Civil Innovation) – NASA’s
    The home page has received three Webby Awards and 11 People’s Voice Awards.

The agency’s use of social media began in earnest in 2008, when Veronica McGregor, news manager for
NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California began tweeting in the voice
from the Mars Phoenix Lander. Since then, the agency has added channels in a variety
of platforms. On Twitter, NASA has 36 million followers, with 22 million on Facebook.
and 57 million on Instagram.

Presence on NASA social networks and the website
They are administered by the NASA Office of Communications.

Established in 1996, the Webby Awards are presented by the International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences.
In 2019, there were more than 13,000 entries, and more than 3 million votes were
cast for the People’s Voice Awards.

See the full list of NASA Webby Award winners and nominees.

News Media Contact

Stephanie L. Smith
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California.
[email protected]

