Nando 2020 Rewrites


Life, as we know, has not been the same since the beginning of this year.

First, the coronavirus was discovered, which has since killed more than 998,000 people worldwide with no signs that the deadly pandemic is stopping. COVID-19 Numbers in Malaysia, which at one point appeared to be under control with virus transmission nearly halted, have started to rise again.

Then a series of bad events unfolded.

To name a few of them, Australia was engulfed in apocalyptic bushfires. The earthquakes occurred in Turkey and the Caribbean. Later, an invasion of desert locusts affected large areas of India and Pakistan.

However, the fact that COVID-19 is everywhere, and not just shocking news happening in some distant part of the world, like a plane crash or wildfire, has affected almost everyone personally.

The virus has caused us all to do things we don’t even think about: panicking when buying toilet paper, social distancing, washing and sanitizing our groceries, and going through closures.

2020 has been so terrible that in June it was already being hailed as “the worst year ever.” And with just three more months to go, there is no sign this year is going to get any better!
