My father had the ability to ‘visualize’ the campus laptop thief, says witness in cadet murder trial


Naval cadet officer Zulfarhan Osman Zulkarnain was tortured to death after being accused of stealing a laptop. (Facebook photo)

KUALA LUMPUR: One of the defendants accused of wounding the naval cadet officer of the Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia (UPNM), Zulfarhan Osman Zulkarnain, told the High Court here today that his father had the ability to ‘visualize’ the person who he stole his laptop from college. .

Muhammad Ashraf Abdullah, 24, said that his friend, Mohd Syafiq Abdullah, who is also a former UPNM student, told him that a laptop belonging to Muhammad Akmal Zuhairi Azmal, the first defendant, had disappeared.

“Syafiq asked if my father, Haji Abdullah, could help ‘identify’ the person who stole the laptop. Some of my friends know of my father’s “ability” to do this.

“Syafiq also mentioned the names of those suspected of being responsible for the theft, who were Nazmi, Izzat Amir and the late Zulfarhan Osman.

“I agreed to ask my father for help and went to my room to call him,” he said when reading his testimonial statement at the hearing of 18 UPNM students accused of murdering, wounding and inciting the murder of Zulfarhan.

Muhammad Ashraf, now self-employed, said that after about 30 minutes his father called him to inform him that Zulfarhan could be the person who stole the laptop, although he did not support this hunch with evidence.

“My father, however, also advised me not to take any action as there were no clear signs (of the thief). I listened to his advice and also told Syafiq to do the same, ”he said.

To a question from Deputy Prosecutor Julia Ibrahim during cross-examination, Muhammad Ashraf said that Mohd Syafiq knew that Zulfarhan’s name had been among the names mentioned by his father, since the (telephone) conversation had been on speakerphone mode.

When asked by attorney Ariff Azami Hussein, during cross-examination, why the defendant did not file a complaint with authorities after suspecting that Zulfarhan had stolen the laptop, Muhammad Ashraf said it was because his father had told him no. I did it because it shows.

In previous proceedings, Mohd Syafiq told the court that he had suggested to Muhammad Akmal Zuhairi that he use the services of a healer to locate his stolen laptop.

Mohd Syafiq, the 25th prosecution witness, told the court that the idea came after he discovered that Muhamad Ashraf’s father had “skills” in locating the lost items.

On July 31 of last year, the Superior Court ordered the 18 to file their defense of the charges.

Five of the defendants, Muhammad Akmal, Muhammad Azamuddin, Muhammad Najib Mohd Razi, Muhammad Afif and Mohamad Shobirin Sabri, are charged with murder, while Abdoul Hakeem Mohd Ali is charged with complicity in the murder of Zulfarhan.

They allegedly committed the crime in room 04-10, of the Jebat hostel building at UPNM, between 4.45am and 5.45am on May 22, 2017.

The charges against the accused were brought under articles 302 and 109 of the Penal Code, which impose the mandatory death penalty upon conviction.

The six, along with 12 others, were also ordered to appear for defense on charges of injuring the victim.

The 12 are Mohd Hafiz Fauzan Ismail, Mohamad Lukhmanul Hakim Mohd Zain, Ahmad Shafwan Berdal, Muhammad Amirul Asraff Mala, Luqman Hakim Shamsuri, Muhammad Sufi Mohd Mustapha, Noriznan Izzairi Noor Azhar, Muhamad Ashraf Abdullah, Azhammad Imirmanda Mohmad Mohammad Daniallah. Fuad Adi Sany and Mohamad Syazwan Musa.

They are accused of voluntarily causing harm to the victim with the purpose of forcing the latter to admit the alleged theft of a laptop, according to article 330 of the Penal Code, read in conjunction with article 34 of the same law, which imposes the maximum prison sentence. seven years, and a fine, in case of conviction.

The crime was committed in room 03-05 of the Jebat shelter building at UPNM, between 2.30 and 5.30 in the morning of May 21, 2017.

The trial before Judge Azman Abdullah continues on December 28.
