Muhyiddin’s worst live speech as prime minister, says Kit Siang


PETALING JAYA: Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin’s live speech on the Covid-19 situation yesterday has been described as the worst since he became prime minister.

It was as clear as day that he was guilty of “double standards” by proclaiming that there would be no “double standards” on Covid-19 standard operating procedures (SOPs), DAP leader Lim Kit Siang (pix) said today.

“The adverse, anxious and angry reactions were immediate on social media when he referred to himself as ‘Abah’ and jokingly threatened to ‘use the cane’ if people do not comply with the government’s POE to curb the disease,” Lim said in a statement.

“The public anger was palpable when it was reported that a one-year-old child had died from Covid-19, the youngest to die from the outbreak in the country.”

Lim said he agrees with Health Director General Tan Sri Dr. Noor Hisham Abdullah that Malaysians should not let the leaders’ efforts go to waste and unite to fight the common enemy rather than “continue crying over spilled milk over and over again. ” .

But what is done with the “spilled milk” is an indicator of whether the government is going to learn from its mistakes and start to deal with its deficit of confidence in the country and start being inspiring examples to unite all Malaysians in a all – at war against the Covid-19 virus, added Iskandar Puteri’s deputy.

“Malaysians have a right to expect better performance from our ministers, even though the cabinet has been immobilized by the Covid-19 pandemic,” Lim said.

“Muhyidden must instill in his ministers the urgency of restoring public trust and confidence in the war against the Covid-19 virus and government leaders must stop urging people to comply with the Covid-19 SOP while they themselves are gone. prepared to deliver. “

Lim also asked Muhyiddin to ensure that the prime minister and mentri kissing from Pakatan Rakyat’s Penang, Selangor and Negri Sembilan states are not excluded from the upcoming National Security Council meeting on Covid-19.
