Muhyiddin’s popularity and dissatisfaction with Warisan decided Sabah polls, think tank says


Muhyiddin’s popularity and dissatisfaction with Warisan decided Sabah polls, think tank says

The perception of Malaysia

The perception of Malaysia

Updated 6 hours ago · Published on September 27, 2020 13:08 ·

Muhyiddin Yassin’s handling of the Covid-19 crisis, coupled with the perception that Warisan has mismanaged the economy, resulted in a GRS victory at the polls. – The Malaysia Insight photo of Irwan Majid, September 27, 2020.

Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin’s popularity, along with the performance of his administration, were the key factors leading to his coalition’s victory in the Sabah polls, a group of experts said.

Muhyiddin was even liked by supporters of his rivals in the Warisan Plus coalition, the Sabah Economic Development and Empowerment Society (SEEDS) said in a statement today.

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