Muhyiddin to the unit budget of the table


PETALING JAYA: A framework will be created to unite all MPs, regardless of party, to ensure the 2021 budget is passed, says Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.

“I hope that all parliamentarians can put aside their political differences to ensure that the 2021 budget is passed for the good of the people and the country,” he said in a live televised message yesterday afternoon.

“I give my word that the Perikatan government will continue to find the best way to handle this great crisis that we now face. Our goal is only one, which is to win in our fight against Covid-19 and ensure the safety and well-being of people.

“I know that many are suffering due to the downsizing and loss of income caused by the pandemic. Many companies had to close. More than 800,000 people have lost their jobs. I hear your pleas.

“The government will present the 2021 Budget in Dewan Rakyat on November 6, with various allocations for government agencies, assistance for people and incentives for the business sector to help them face the pandemic and restore the economy.

“God willing, in the Budget to be presented, the government will announce initiatives that will ease the burden on the people during this difficult time,” Muhyiddin said, adding that people must also do their part by strictly adhering to standard operating procedure. (SOP) to stop the transmission of Covid-19, which resulted in nearly 20,000 new cases in October alone.

He said the SOP must be strictly adhered to in the Batu Sapi by-elections and the upcoming Sarawak state elections, as the government did not have the power to stop elections under the Federal Constitution.

In his speech, the Prime Minister reminded people that the pandemic was getting worse and that those on the front lines were reduced as thousands were infected and quarantined.

Sabah has the highest number of cases with 13,701, followed by Selangor (4,360), Kuala Lumpur (2,991), Kedah (2,080) and Negri Sembilan (1,516).

“In Sabah alone, 300 front-line people were infected and more than 1,200 have been quarantined.

“Today, nearly 11,000 police officers had to be quarantined, resulting in a lack of police personnel on the front lines,” Muhyiddin said, adding that while the government had to strike a delicate balance between protecting lives and means of life, economic activities must continue.

He said the government could not stop any election, and that only a proclamation of the state of emergency under Article 150 could do so.

He said that the movement of voters could not be restricted as this is their democratic right under the constitution.

“The Batu Sapi by-elections are set for December 5 and the Sarawak state election could happen soon and cannot be avoided. This is because, according to the Constitution, by-elections must be held within 60 days after the loss of a post.

“The Sarawak state constitution also states that state elections must be held within 60 days after the dissolution of the state assembly.

“The Chief Commissioner of the Electoral Commission informed me that many EC staff members were afraid to report to work at Batu Sapi because they are afraid of contracting Covid-19.

“The Director General of Health is also concerned about whether remote areas of Sarawak without adequate health services can handle the possible increase in Covid-19 cases after an election,” Muhyiddin said, adding that the cost incurred in such scenarios would be high.

Although there were calls for red zone voters moving to green zones to be screened, he said there is a possibility that asymptomatic carriers will transmit the disease before they can be detected.

“Some suggested that we toughen the POE of the elections. If we can. I will examine these suggestions for the Batu Sapi by-elections and the Sarawak state elections.

“If we cannot stop the elections, I beg everyone in Batu Sapi and Sarawak to be careful. Please pity our leaders.

“Don’t go out if you don’t have to. Stay home because now our home is the safest place in the world, ”added the Prime Minister.
