Muhyiddin Strongly Urges Myanmar’s Military Leaders To Choose A Peaceful Solution


KUALA LUMPUR: Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin (pix) has strongly urged Myanmar’s military leaders to change course and choose a path towards a peaceful solution.

Muhyiddin said Malaysia had expressed grave concern over the tragic situation in Myanmar since the February 1 military coup.

In a statement, the prime minister said the larger ASEAN community could not afford to see its sister nation Myanmar become so destabilized at the hands of a select few seeking to advance their own vested interests.

“Once again, Malaysia repeats our constant appeal to all stakeholders to work together towards a peaceful resolution of this crisis.

“We will continue to support an inclusive dialogue for a political transition and urge all parties to return to the negotiating table, remedy the crisis and avoid any escalation of tensions,” he said today in a statement.

Muhyiddin also called for the immediate and unconditional release of political leaders, including State Councilor Aung San Suu Kyi and President U Win Myint, who have been arbitrarily detained since February 1, 2021.

Muhyiddin also strongly supported Indonesian President Joko Widodo’s statement today and his call to convene an emergency ASEAN summit to address the situation in Myanmar.

On another note, Muhyiddin noted that it was clear that the current political struggle only victimizes the common people of Myanmar.

“This has no place in the values ​​of our beliefs, conscience and culture. It contradicts the principles enshrined in the ASEAN Charter that we, ASEAN, are committed to promoting and protecting so that the peace, security and prosperity of our region are guaranteed ”, he said.

Muhyiddin was also dismayed by the persistent use of deadly violence against unarmed civilians, which has resulted in large numbers of deaths and injuries, as well as suffering throughout the country.

On behalf of the people of Malaysia, Muhyiddin also conveyed his deepest and sincere condolences to all the people of Myanmar who have lost loved ones and who have become victims as a result of the current political crisis. -Called
