Muhyiddin receives a dose of his own medicine.


YOUR OPINION | “As they say, if you live by the sword, you die by the sword.”

Muhyiddin: I remain PM until proven otherwise

Rupert16: “Until that is proven, the PN government stands firm and I am the rightful prime minister,” Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin said.

Muhyddin, you were never the rightful PM in the first place. He seized power through the back door and overthrew a government ordered by the rakyat. It is understood?

The ruler Perikatan Nasional (PN), in a joint statement, accused opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim of being “crazy about power.”

These guys should take a good look at themselves in the mirror.

Malaysia4All: Isn’t it rich and hypocritical for Muhyiddin to say that “this claim (that the PN government has fallen) needs to be proven through the processes and procedures determined by the Federal Constitution”?

After all, wasn’t it Muhyiddin himself who formed his government by not going through the same procedure?

RR: Let’s have an early general election (GE) to resolve this endless struggle between the PN and the opposition led by Anwar.

After GE, everyone should work to unite to eradicate the Covid-19 pandemic and for a progressive and democratic Malaysia.

Salvage Malaysia: I think there are two problems with this:

1) If there are MPs from Umno and BN jumping next to Anwar, it is confirmed that Muhyiddin has less than 112 seats.

2) But that does not mean that Anwar’s new coalition will automatically have more than 112 because there may be some opposition that still refuses to stand with him. Then in such a situation, Anwar’s claim to have a solid margin is again another sham.

An early election will be better if there is only a weak majority.

Shell: It’s dangerous to have snap elections during these very risky Covid-19 times. Sabah should be a lesson for everyone.

If a state election can trigger hundreds of new cases, think about the havoc a general election can wreak. We Rakyats don’t want to emulate America just because some power-hungry (read: money-hungry) politicians want to stay in office.

If Anwar can show the majority, let him take the reins. Why force another unnecessary choice? After all, Muhyiddin didn’t do the same before?

Sorry (pity) Mahathir. Only five MPs on your side, including him? What a pathetic and well-deserved end to his intriguing political career.

His calculations went wrong somewhere. I hope you realize that there is no point in spending more money on the few remaining followers and cronies. Frogs can jump in any direction at any time.

The Wakandan: Well, Muhyiddin gets his due. He did this with others and is now holding on to the dear life of his PMship.

As they say, if you live by the sword, you die by the sword.

Vgeorgemy: As the proverbial saying goes, the ball is in the court of the Muhyiddin. Why did he not seek the trust of Dewan Rakyat to establish his majority? That has not happened.

Muhyiddin has no choice but to hand over power to the original winner of GE14.

Constitutional Supremacy: Muhyiddin, remember that Mahathir told you not to cooperate with Umno as you will not know how to disassemble him.

Some MPs from Umno had joined Bersatu and you assigned them prominent positions. From within, they divided the scholarship.

The party’s general secretary, Hamzah Zainuddin, and his team maneuvered Mahathir and five other people to be fired, thus splitting Bersatu in two.

Now, the president of Umno, Zahid Amand Hamidi, has apparently designed a collaboration with Anwar as a coup against him.

The result will be Bersatu completely outcast and in the next election completely destroyed, as Umno will challenge all Bersatu seats. Therefore, Bersatu will soon be history.

Fair play: Muhyiddin, do you know what you just did? Outgoing.

He accused Anwar of doing what he did with the Sheraton Move.

Kawak: “This latest act demonstrates his greedy and crazy attitude of power (of Anwar) where he does not care about political stability, the country’s economy or the fate of people who have been seriously affected by Covid-19,” the joint statement said of the PN.

When they are getting final, they complained.

YellowZebra4720: There is increasingly little difference between who becomes prime minister in this frog jumping exercise.

Even Anwar has significantly tempered his multiracial rhetoric, presumably to please the Umno MPs who jumped ship.

The question we really should ask ourselves is what is the point: when a change of government happens from time to time, the change of mind never happens.

Plecolytic: Anwar is making a Musa Aman now.

Since it successfully resulted in the dissolution of the Sabah state assembly, let’s see if Muhyiddin will make a Shafie Apdal.

Popcorn refills, please.

YOURS | Anwar Move: expect more turbulence in national politics

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