Muhyiddin outlines five top priorities for 2021


PETALING JAYA: The nation will prioritize five areas while tackling Covid-19 and at the same time nurturing the economy, says Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin (photo).

In his New Year’s speech aired last night, he said the first priority was to improve public health through the procurement of Covid-19 vaccines and the implementation of a nationwide vaccination program.

He said the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation and Wisma Putra had created a vaccine supply portfolio and signed various agreements with Covid-19 vaccine agencies and companies to procure vaccines for Malaysians as soon as possible.

“The government will guarantee efficient, safe and adequate vaccine supplies for at least 80% of the population, and this vaccine will be delivered free to citizens,” he said, adding that the National Covid-19 Immunization Plan would be implemented by the Health. Ministry in three phases starting in February.

“Those on the front lines and I will be among the first to get the vaccine to show that it is safe and effective, God willing,” he said, adding that those in high-risk groups, such as the elderly and patients with chronic diseases take priority.

He stressed that the National Drug Regulatory Agency would monitor the efficacy and safety of the vaccine.

“I would also like to remind you that the vaccination program is only a preventive step, and SOP (standard operating procedure) must be followed at all times,” he said.

The second priority is to strengthen the economy and accelerate post-Covid-19 economic growth through the implementation of the 2021 Budget and the 12th Malaysia Plan.

He noted that the 2021 Budget, which is worth RM322.5bil and is the largest federal spending in the nation’s history, was a critical measure to ensure recovery.

“The government will continue to develop social safety nets such as direct monetary aid in the form of Bantuan Prihatin Rakyat, the insurance protection scheme for the B40 and the strengthening of the national welfare system.

“The Perikatan Nasional government will continue to strengthen the national poverty elimination agenda without regard to race and religion,” he said.

The third area of ​​focus of the government is to ensure stability in politics, governance and administration, as it is the foundation of economic recovery.

Muhyiddin urged the leaders of the political division to display qualities such as being responsible and refraining from any action that could threaten political stability.

“Right now, it’s good if we can put politics aside and stand together for the people. We need to fight this pandemic together as patriotic Malays, ”Muhyiddin said, adding that he was confident that political stability and good governance would foster a conducive investment ecosystem.

The fourth priority is to ensure that the sovereignty of the nation is upheld and that Malaysia’s position on the world stage is strengthened.

“Malaysia wants to seize the opportunity created from the disruption caused by Covid-19 in the global order to play a more active role on the international stage and show its leadership.

“It is time for Malaysia to emerge as a respected power fighting courageously and consistently for mutual peace and prosperity,” he said.

The fifth emphasis, which is to improve harmony among Malaysians, is based on the belief that unity is the key to the country’s success.

“I would like to emphasize that the government will not hesitate to take action against anyone who disobeys and continues to inflame hatred between different religious and ethnic groups, what else in dis-

respecting the constitutional monarchy ”, he said.

He said the five priorities listed were in line with the government’s long-term vision under the Shared Prosperity Vision 2030, adding that despite the hardships of 2020, Malaysians could still be grateful for many blessings.

Following the huge economic loss of 2.4 billion ringgit per day when the motion control order was first implemented, he said the government had to implement an approach to managing the pandemic that would ensure that the rakyat was safe. while the economy continued to function. At the record 2,525 new Covid-19 cases yesterday, Muhyiddin said the government had relaxed some restrictions as long as people continued to follow the SOP.

He thanked the Malaysians for having largely displayed a positive attitude and resilience, adding that there were still many success stories and achievements, such as the various stimulus packages.
