Muhyiddin: More than RM320bil invested in Iskandar Malaysia


JOHOR BARU: Iskandar Malaysia recorded 322.1 billion ringgit in cumulative total investments as of June this year and helped create more than 750,000 jobs in the southern economic corridor, says Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.

The co-chair of the Iskandar Regional Development Authority (Irda) said he was pleased that the people of Iskandar Malaysia continue to benefit from its development.

“Iskandar Malaysia, as an economic region, has shown excellent investment achievements from its inception to today.

“However, I am most excited to see the many achievements of the region in ensuring that the rakyat are not left behind and building a cohesive and resilient community amid their accelerated development,” he said in a statement here on Wednesday (October 21). ).

Muhyiddin recently chaired Irda’s Members of Authority (MOA) conference via video on Sunday (October 19) where various proposals were made.

Proposals include organizing a data collection effort through civil society organizations (CSOs) and non-governmental organizations (NGOs).

Another proposed initiative was to enhance the competencies and skills of community institution leaders, where committees, as well as designated community representatives, would go through a structured capacity-building exercise to improve their effectiveness in performing their duties.

A third proposal was to support the current Prihatin Rakyat Economic Stimulus Package (Prihatin) and the Economic Recovery Plan (Penjana) government initiatives by incorporating financial literacy learning modules into all existing empowerment programs.

The Pagoh MP said he believed other MOA members agreed with him on the rakyat-focused agenda in Iskandar Malaysia and supported all proposed initiatives to further assist the rakyat, especially during and after the Covid-19 pandemic. .

Meanwhile, Irda CEO Datuk Ismail Ibrahim said that sharing wealth and inclusion was one of Iskandar Malaysia’s top agendas.

“The inclusion and distribution of wealth agenda in the Comprehensive Development Plan aims to achieve equitable wealth for the community living in Iskandar Malaysia.

“An important aspect to ensure that this agenda is sustainable is to ensure that the ecosystem promotes social connection to help society participate in the decision-making process and the implementation of local initiatives,” he said.
