Muhyiddin for a 2-day visit to Brunei


This is Muhyiddin Yassin’s first meeting with Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah in the framework of the Annual Leadership Consultation.

KUALA LUMPUR: Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin will pay an official visit to Bandar Seri Begawan starting tomorrow in conjunction with the 23rd Annual Malaysia-Brunei Darussalam Leaders Consultation.

The Foreign Ministry (Wisma Putra), in a statement today, said that the short visit from April 4-5 is also to honor the invitation extended to the prime minister by the Sultan of Brunei, Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah.

This is Muhyiddin’s first meeting with Sultan Hassanal in the framework of the Annual Leadership Consultation.

During the visit, the prime minister will meet with Sultan Hassanal, followed by an official lunch.

According to Wisma Putra, the Annual Leaders’ Consultation is the highest platform for discussions on a wide range of bilateral, regional and global issues of common interest to both countries.

“Both leaders will take the opportunity of this important annual meeting to assess the progress of ongoing special relations, cooperation and further enhance post-Covid-19 cooperation that will benefit the citizens of both countries,” he said.

This, among others, would include discussions on the establishment of the Reciprocal Greenways Agreement (RGL), the initiation of cooperation in vaccine diplomacy between the two countries and the promotion of closer economic cooperation, Wisma Putra said.

A joint statement will be issued after the meeting.

During the consultation, both leaders will also witness the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on natural disaster management, as well as the formalization of the unification agreement between Petronas and the Brunei National Unification Secretariat in the oil sector. and gas.

The last Malaysia-Brunei Annual Leaders Consultation was held in Putrajaya on March 5, 2019.

Given the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic in Malaysia and Brunei, Wisma Putra said that Muhyiddin had ordered the duration of the official visit to be less than 24 hours.

To minimize the risks of Covid-19, the prime minister will be accompanied by his wife, Noorainee Abdul Rahman, and a small delegation made up of Foreign Minister Hishammuddin Hussein and senior government officials.

The official visit will also be subject to strict preventive regulations for Covid-19, as agreed by the health ministries of both countries and the National Security Council.
