Muhyiddin: First batch of Pfizer-Biontech Covid-19 vaccine to arrive on February 21


PUTRAJAYA: The first batch of the Pfizer-Biontech Covid-19 vaccine will arrive in the country on February 21, Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said.

“The launch of the program will begin on February 26,” he said during the launch of the guide for the National Covid-19 Immunization Plan on Tuesday (February 16).

Muhyiddin said he would be the first person in the country to receive the vaccine to increase public confidence in his safety.

Muhyiddin also launched the website on Tuesday and said the vaccination book will be available on the website.

He added that the vaccine is important, not only to protect ourselves, but also our loved ones: family, colleagues, neighbors and the community.

“This is the meaning of the immunization program motto: protect yourself, protect everyone,” he said.

He said the positive impact would be felt when everyone was protected and the immunization program was implemented.

“Economic sectors may open up, such as tourism. We can visit each other and return to sport, albeit with a new normal. This is what I mean when I say that the vaccine is our main ray of hope to ensure victory in the war against Covid-19, “said Muhyiddin

However, he said that we should not take it easy and urged everyone to register for the vaccine when the time comes.

“Remind your family and friends to get vaccinated. Make sure we are present at the time set for the first and second doses because when we are protected, we can protect others, especially our loved ones,” he said.

On January 18, Muhyiddin said that almost 27 million or more than 80% of Malaysia’s population is expected to be vaccinated against Covid-19 by the first quarter of 2022.

He said the first batch of vaccines is expected to be received in late February, the group will be vaccinated in early March, and the vaccination program will be implemented in phases over a 12-month period.

“The country’s vaccination program is on the right track and the government has signed three agreements with vaccine producers.

“Through the special committee established to guarantee access to the supply of Covid-19 vaccines, the government will guarantee transparency in the procurement of vaccines and will give top priority to the National Immunization Program.

“A total of RM3bil has been allocated specifically for this purpose. Guidelines and methods for receiving the vaccine will be announced soon.”

He said that the special Muzakarah Committee of the National Council of Islamic Affairs of Malaysia has decreed that the Covid-19 vaccine is allowed and is a necessity for specific groups.

“Ensuring the well-being of the community by protecting people from being infected by dangerous diseases is not new from the Syarak (Islamic) perspective,” he added.
