MUDA lawyer, requires registration in 7 days


MUDA is led by Muar Syed Saddiq MP Syed Abdul Rahman, who submitted his revised constitution proposal on October 3 and the bankruptcy status of his applicants on November 25.

PETALING JAYA: MUDA has submitted a demand letter to the Registrar of Societies (RoS) requesting that its registration as a political party be completed within seven days, becoming the second party to take such legal action against the RoS.

In a statement, MUDA said its pro tem committee and 100 of its supporters had gone to RoS headquarters to deliver the letter today, adding that the delay in its registration was inexcusable.

He said he had not received any updates to his registry three months after he submitted his application on September 17, adding that he did not require any special treatment.

“The delay in registering for MUDA is unacceptable, especially when no reason is given to reject or delay your registration in all communications with RoS.

“By comparison, the registration of Perikatan Nasional only took three days under the current government. During the Barisan Nasional (BN) era, PPBM registration took 30 days.

On December 10, Pejuang of former Prime Minister Dr. Mahathir Mohamad also filed a request for judicial review to challenge the RoS for the delay in approving his registration.

“MUDA leaves this issue to the law of the country and urges RoS to swiftly approve registration as an official political party in Malaysia,” said MUDA, who is represented by former Attorney General Tommy Thomas and Ambiga Sreenevasan.

In the letter, Tommy Thomas Advocates & Solicitors said that the party led by Muar Syed Saddiq MP Syed Abdul Rahman had submitted its revised proposed constitution on October 3 and the bankruptcy status of its applicants on November 25.

It said the delay was unreasonable and ultra vires the Companies Law, adding that it violated MUDA’s constitutional right to form an association under Article 10 (1) (c) of the Federal Constitution.

He added that the delay created logistical, financial and legal hurdles for MUDA’s preparations for the upcoming general elections, noting that they could take place soon.

“Please note that if you do not grant registration to our clients within seven days from the date hereof, our clients will initiate legal proceedings against you and the Home Secretary to obtain necessary relief,” the letter read.

The demand letter was also sent to Interior Minister Hamzah Zainudin.
