MTUC wants to investigate how a worker at the Ipoh factory lost his hand


GEORGE TOWN: The Malaysian Trade Union Congress (MTUC) has called for a comprehensive investigation into the accident that caused a migrant worker to lose a hand in a freak accident at a factory in Ipoh’s Tasek Industrial Zone.

K. Veeriah, MTUC Secretary, Penang Division (Photo) He said the incident happened on Friday (October 30).

He said that from the scant information they had received, it appeared that the victim’s hand was caught in the spinning change of the company’s glove wash brush tank, causing his hand to be cut at the wrist.

“Given the seriousness of the case, we believe that it is up to the Department of Safety and Health (DOSH) to carry out a thorough investigation of the incident.

“What we need to know is whether the company abdicated its fiduciary duty of diligence in complying with the security regulations required of it,” he said in a statement on Friday (October 30).

Veeriah said that all dangerous operations, involving rotating blades, shafts and others, must be installed with the proper preventative safeguards to avoid unwanted mishaps.

DOSH should investigate whether the company neglected its duty of care in the matter, he said.

“With one caveat, though, we are of the opinion that if there had been a functioning sensory isolation switch system, the loss of a limb could have been prevented,” he said.
