MP SPEAKS | The two additional charges against me today are unfounded


MP SPEAKS | The two additional charges against me today are baseless, politically motivated, and abuse of power by the unelected government to smear and tarnish my reputation in the run-up to the elections, whether in Sabah or at the national level.

Whether this is an attempt to affect our preparations for the elections in Sabah, or an act of political revenge or to divert attention from the many controversies or scandals of the current unelected government, it is open to public speculation.

I will prove my innocence in court, particularly when no corruption or gratuity money is found in my personal bank account or in my possession in cash.

It is disappointing that the relevant authorities, including the MACC, have been used or abused to carry out this political witch hunt against me based on flimsy evidence. On the other hand, the MACC does not take such action against leaders of the current government with irrefutable facts or solid evidence …
