MP SPEAKS | Budget 2021: Will Umno MPs split into two factions?


MP SPEAKS | Political experts and insiders are closely monitoring the political scene to see if the 38 Umno MPs will split into two factions, with one faction voting against the 2021 Budget during Thursday’s Second Reading and toppling the Perikatan Nasional government (PN ) by Muhyiddin Yassin.

The views of one faction were expressed by former Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak in his inaugural address as the new president of the BN Backbenchers’ Club, expressing conditional support for next year’s budget.

Meanwhile, the president of the Perikatan Nasional Backbenchers’ Club, Shahidan Kassim, has denied that he had referred to Najib in his budget speech in Parliament when he said that anyone who rejected the budget was “a traitor to the people because the people it is waiting for the budget ”.

He said he was actually referring to former health minister Dzulkefly Ahmad.

He declared his “undivided support” for Muhyiddin and the 2021 Budget …
