Most Malaysians Still Trust Government To Handle Covid-19 Pandemic, Survey Says


KUALA LUMPUR: Most people still have faith in the Perikatan Nasional government’s handling of the Covid-19 pandemic, according to a survey conducted by the UCSI Survey Research Center.

Of the 1,166 respondents, 63.3% trusted the current government, while 36.7% said the opposite.

“Public confidence in the government appears to be positive in the survey.

“We are still not sure whether this sentiment will hold or decline after a series of announcements made by the government in recent days regarding standard operating procedures (SOPs), the work from home directive (WFH) and monitoring movement. order (MCO), “said the center’s director, Professor Dr. Pek Chuen Khee, in a statement on October 23.

He added that the government should pay attention to this matter and should handle it accordingly.

The same poll showed that the majority of respondents agreed that a joint committee with the previous government is needed to combat the pandemic.

“75.9% of those surveyed agreed, while only 24.1% said otherwise,” he said.
