Most Businesses To Reopen During Malaysia MCO Extension: Sources, Southeast Asia News, and Highlights


KUALA LUMPUR – More sectors of Malaysia’s economy will be reopened during the extension of the Movement Control Order (MCO) that begins on Friday (February 5), industry and government sources told The Straits Times.

This comes despite the rise in coronavirus infections and the government’s insistence on stricter protocols during the new two-week period of movement restrictions.

“We are reversing the strategy. Instead of listing those that can operate, we are listing those that cannot,” said an official who could not be identified due to the confidentiality of the matter.

An industry source also revealed that “the Ministry of Industry and International Trade will hold a virtual meeting with relevant trade groups this week to report on the new standard operating procedures (SOPs).”

In addition to beauty and personal care, others like retail and wholesale retailers and car wash services are among those expecting to finish three weeks of shutdown.

Manufacturing and construction, which have been the leading cause of new clusters this year, are also expected to adhere to the most stringent and costly standard operating procedures.

Chief Security Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob said Tuesday when announcing the extension of the MCO that “we are giving more room for maneuver to economic sectors, especially small businesses, because we understand that a total lockdown will be more difficult for poorer “.

But Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri, who is also Defense Minister, warned that authorities will impose stricter guidelines and enforce them more aggressively to curb the Covid-19 outbreak, which recorded a new daily high of 5,728 last Saturday and a record 21 deaths on Tuesday. .
