More than 530 households will be affected by EMCO in Kampung Haji Baki – Uggah


Uggah says that more than 530 households involving more than 4,200 residents will be affected by the EMCO which will take effect in Kampung Haji Baki in Kuching from 6pm tomorrow (October 28) until 11.59pm on November 10 – Archive photo of Bernama

KUCHING (October 27): More than 530 households involving more than 4200 residents will be affected by the Enhanced Movement Control Order (EMCO) which will take effect in Kampung Haji Baki here from 6pm tomorrow (28 October October) until 11:59 pm on November 10. said Senior Deputy Minister Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas.

Uggah, who is the chairman of the State Disaster Management Committee (SDMC), explained that the areas involved are Kampung Haji Baki Block A, Kampung Haji Baki Block B and Kampung Haji Baki Block C.

“The Police will be in charge of exercising movement control in the area, with the help of the Armed Forces, Civil Defense Force and Rela personnel.

“All entry and exit points to and from the EMCO area will be closed, and movement of officers and guards on duty to and from the area will not be allowed either. It will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

“There should be no outside guests or visitors in the area while EMCO is being applied,” he said during a press conference here today.

Uggah said that all residents in the affected area would not be allowed to leave their respective homes.

“For emergencies such as illness and death, they are allowed to leave the area but they need permission from the police.

“All suraus, mosques, other places of worship and schools within the EMCO area will be closed and not all religious, social, recreational, cultural and sports activities will be allowed during this period,” he added.

Uggah said that all sectors of the economy cannot operate within the EMCO area, while food supplies will be distributed by the state government with the coordination of the Disaster Operations Control Center of the Kuching Division.

The Ministry of Health will carry out specific evaluations on all residents during the EMCO period.

Uggah said EMCO is needed to break the chain of infection after Baki Cluster has recorded a total of 25 cases since the index case was reported on October 18.

“The Ministry of Health (MOH) has carried out Active Contact Tracing and Active Case Detection (ACD) on October 25.

“Among the 25 cases, they are direct relatives of the index case, immediate neighbors, primary and secondary school students, as well as health workers,” he said.
