More than 50,000 students are still on campus despite enrollment postponed


KUALA LUMPUR: About 10% of the 646,094 students who enrolled in public universities, polytechnics and community colleges were still on campus as of last Monday, Vice Minister of Higher Education Datuk Dr. Mansor Othman told Dewan Rakyat today.

He said that more than 50,000 students remain on campus, although the registration and admission process has been postponed.

He said 113,297 students from private institutions of higher education (IPTS) were still on their respective campuses.

“The face-to-face enrollment and admission process for new and old students, planned for last October, had been postponed, but the ministry has paid special attention to students who must remain on campus.

“Students include those who need technical facilities and those who need an enabling environment or have internet access problems. This allows them to continue learning online, ”he said to a question from Datuk Azizah Mohd Dun (Bersatu-Beaufort).

Azizah had asked about the actual number of students from public and private institutions still remaining on campus after the announcement of their registration postponement during the Movement Control Order (MCO) and the ministry’s efforts to ensure that students in Home is not left behind in learning. and teaching process.

Mansor said the students had access to 871 Internet centers under the supervision of the Ministry of Communications and Multimedia.

He said the government had also provided a data plan for Internet access and electronic devices to public university students from B40 families.

He said that on top of that, 50 RM cash assistance is being provided to all new students for 2020/2021 session.
